The Basics of Brushes - Ulysses Owens, Jr. | 2 Minute Jazz

Ulysses Owens, Jr. demonstrates the essentials of what it takes to play the drums with brushes. #2minjazz #ulysses #owens #openstudio #jazz #drums #tutorial #brushes ======================================================== (rhythmic drums beating) (hi-hat clinking) (brushes tapping) (brushes sweeping) - The brushes are my favorite thing to play. It’s one of the most sensitive ways to play as a drummer and it’s one of the coolest ways to really create amazing textures. When you play the brushes, there’s a couple different rules that you have to apply by, but ultimately you can still make great music. The first rule is, left hand. Left hand is your sweeping hand, like a broom. You sweep, one, two, three, four. One, two, a-uh, uh, uh. (brush sweeping and tapping) This is with an accent. This is without an accent. (brush sweeping) We’ll go back to the accent. (brush sweeping and tapping) Then you can take th
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