One hour of Scottish Covenanter music

The Covenanters were a militant group of Scottish Presbyterians who rebelled against the English and Scottish monarchy because of a law banning all churches except for the national church. The penalty for open air preaching (like the Presbyterians were forced to do after their church was banned) was death, and murder of Presbyterian ministers was legal. This era of oppression has come to be called the killing times. Eventually the Presbyterians (called Covenanters because they were signatory to the Scottish National Covenant) began to defend themselves against the oppression and eventually entered into full rebellion against the government. As a note, the first six songs as well as the eleventh, twelfth and fourteenth songs are by various artists associated with Lanarkshire songwriters as a part of their album “The grassmarket butchers”. I was only able to find high quality version of a few of the songs in the album, if anyone knows where I could find better versions and find out who wrote them I would very
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