JLPT N4 grammar [practice sample questions for the N4 test] Lesson 4

This channel offers videos to help you pass the JLPT. 0:00 The content of the lesson. 0:26 Quiz 1ばん 1:41 Quiz 2ばん 2:52 Quiz 3ばん 4:04 Quiz 4ばん ------ About this channel N5 for beginners of Japanese N3 and N4 for intermediate Japanese N1 or N2 for advanced Japanese speakers I am currently running two companies in Japan. Therefore, as a person who employs foreigners, I understand that it is very important for foreigners to pass the JLPT. If you have time, please take lessons on this channel and pass the JLPT. I sincerely hope that everyone who uses this channel will pass the test. Related Video 2020 JLPT N4 LISTENING PRACTICE TEST Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 ---- Request for cooperation(協力要請) Unfortunately, some people have used the video I made on this channel without my permission. If you find that the video on this channel is displayed on anothe
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