If the only thing to ride was a Parking Block - DIG BMX / Weird & Revered

​​​​​​ | ​​​​​​ | Subscribe to the DIG channel for more videos - ​​​​​ ----- Weird & Revered - Block Chain “Constraints foster innovation. As a Canadian, I’m well-accustomed to long winters. I used to live in Alberta where there was typically snow on the ground for five months of the year. Indoor riding was the norm. I’d either ride the ramps in my parents’ garage or visit an indoor skatepark if one was running. The limited options for obstacles forced me to think creatively. What can I do that I haven’t done before? How can I use this obstacle differently? With patience, I was often surprised by the ideas generated during those sessions. The location constraints imposed by the harshness of winter led to innovation in the form of new trick ideas or better spot use.
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