London - The Weather Centre Aka How Weather Forecasts Are Compiled (1968)
No title. How weather forecasts are compiled at The Weather Centre, London.
Angle shot London’s Weather Centre. M/S map of UK in window. C/U man looking at map. Panning C/U map showing weather conditions.
Library shots of cars driving and being pushed up icy road, snow plough coming through deep snow drift. M/S man in London Weather Centre looking at charts coming off computer. C/U charts coming off computer. M/S women operating computer tape machines. C/U tape machine. M/S man sitting at console with chart. C/U as he traces on chart. More library shots: very rough sea, sailor holding onto life line as sea breaks over ship’s deck, bow of ship as it rises and falls in the rough sea.
M/S man at Weather Centre receiving information from ships. C/U as man types. C/U the man with earphones on. C/U tape coming out of machine into bin. C/U chart. Library shot: car coming through flooded street, tree laying in street, sea breaking over sea wall.
C/U girl on Weather Centre roof looking