King Gustav V of Sweden, on visit to France, pays official respects at Elysee Palace / His...(1931)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit FRANCE: King Gustav V of Sweden, on visit to France, pays official respects at Elysee Palace / His official duties performed, the 73-year-old monarch meets Henri Cochet, king of the tennis courts Full Description: PARIS, FRANCE: Gen. follow shot of car arriving, King gets out, elevation shot and semi view of King inspecting troops lined up on grounds. King plays Tennis with Henri Cochet. Semi cu. in tennis clothes of king serving, back shot playing, good CU. King watching and semi cu. of Cochet playing. Sound Effects: Off-stage Band plays: Military Music. Off-stage voice tells of King’s visit. Light sound of ball hitting tennis racquet. Royalty; France; Personalities - Sport; King Gustavus V of Sweden (1907-1950), Henri Cochet Background: FRANCE: King Gustav V of Sweden, on visit to France, pays official respects at Elysee Palace / His official duties performed
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