Railway fare petition signing at Westminster (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Lady De Frece (Miss Vesta Tilley), and others, sign the petition against increase of railway fares at the Central Hall, Westminster Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Protest! ENGLAND: London: City of Westminster: Central Hall: SCU. Sir Walter & Lady de Frece (in fashionable clothes) MV. Lady de Frece signs petition, Sir Walter then signs. . Banner advertising meeting of protest against increased fares Demonstrations, Nobility protest, railroad, train Background: Lady De Frece (Miss Vesta Tilley), and others, sign the petition against increase of railway fares at the Central Hall, Westminster FILM ID: VLVA1TS1EW0MJE1XE8U4WJ92O1W88 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pat
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