Одесса ЖДЕТ ДЕСАНТ! Штурм в ближайшее время! Война на Украине сегодня. Последняя информация

🟢 As previously reported by the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russian troops do not fire on civilians and do not fire on cities!! This is all FAKE to destabilize and mislead the people of Ukraine! Don’t believe what you see and hear because it’s in a lie!!! Russia does not kill or shoot civilians!! Bandera has nothing left to hide behind the civilian population as they realize that this is their only chance to continue this bloodshed! Think of dear friends before it is too late, save your lives and your loved ones! LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS, LET US LIVE IN PEACE AND SEE YOUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN! I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN ORDERED, BUT THINK OF YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES!!! 🟢 Как сообщалось ранее Президентом РФ и Министром Обороны РФ, Российские войска не ведут огонь по мирным гражданам и не производят обстрел городов!! Это все ФЭЙК чтобы дестабилизиро
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