A large family prepares hay for cows for the winter. The life of a young man

A documentary film about a young guy, in this video you will see how a large family in hellish heat makes hay and prepares hay for the winter for their cows, after hard work the guy goes to repair his old motorcycle. Rural life Rural lifestyle Mountain village Mountain life How people live Rural lifestyle Rural life Life of the mountains Hard life in the mountains Primitive life Far from civilization Traditional rural life Hard life Life of a mountain village Everyday life Rural life Village Old culture Village people Village woman Woman alone Asmr Everyday life Village cuisine video blog Old grandma Countryside video blog Documentaries Ulengovs Life in the village Video blog of rural life Asmr food Lonely Kənd həyatı Lonely grandma Remote village Survival Lonely life is far from civilization Cooking Countryhumans Agriculture Nomadic way of life Nature Village
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