A Beautiful Moment ๐ŸŽน๐Ÿ’– Derek and Ashleigh Play C Jam Blues

Just incredible - Derek Paravicini and the amazing violinist Ben Holder rehearsing C Jam Blues with 13 year old Ashleigh Turley, who is also blind and has autism. Filmed at Dorchester Abbey, Oxford. - The Amber Trust, of which Derek is a patron, is a charity that provides visually impaired children with the chance to engage with music.๐ŸŽน๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ‘จ๐ŸŽนABOUT DEREK: Derek Paravicini is a musical savant. His extraordinary talent developed alongside blindness, severe autism and learning difficulties. With the gift of perfect pitch, a photographic musical memory, the ability to transpose anything instantly to any key, and his incredible abilities to learn by ear and improvise, Derek loves connecting with people via his music and absolutely loves taking requests for songs, styles and keys! Subscribe: More Derek Improv: ๐ŸŽตMORE DEREK๐ŸŽต ๐Ÿ“ฐ๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ๐ŸŽงhttps:/
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