‘Outlander’ star Sam Heughan on trying to get pal William Shatner in a kilt and on the show

(7 Jun 2016) ’OUTLANDER’ STAR HEUGHAN WORKING TO GET KIRK IN A KILT Sam Heughan acknowledges it isn’t going well, but he isn’t giving up. He’s trying to get Kirk in a kilt. After Heughan, who co-stars in “Outlander,“ learned “Star Trek“’s first iconic Captain Kirk, actor William Shatner, was a fan of Heughan’s popular 18th-century Scottish drama, the two eventually connected for dinner, and a friendship was born. “Yeah, he’s great,“ Heughan said of Shatner. “I would say he’s my friend now. We’ve hung out a bit. He’s incredible. He’s inspiring. I’ve got a lot to learn from him. He’s lead a very interesting life. He does a lot of charity work. And he likes Mexican food. I like Mexican food. So, we’re in a good place.“ Clearly, Heughan would like it better if Shatner got to Scotland to shoot an “Outlander“ episode. “I am trying to make him wear a kilt,“ Heughan said
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