Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith (2005) Soundtrack - “The Fall Of The Jedi Order“ (Suite)
I own nothing! All music by John Williams. Music owned by respective copyright holders. Music comes from the official “Revenge Of The Sith“ soundtrack and an unofficial “Revenge Of The Sith“ soundtrack that I bought on Ebay a while back. If you would be interested in purchasing the official soundtrack, here is a link to it - =sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=star wars revenge of the sith soundtrack&qid=1626109838&sr=8-3
I can’t provide a link to purchase the unofficial “Revenge Of The Sith“ soundtrack that I have because it was never sold commercially, but I can provide a link to download something that is similar, if you would be interested, here is a link to an expanded “Revenge Of The Sith“ album -
I love the music from this movie, it’s absolutely