Royal Tour 1947 (1947)

Unissued / Unused material. The British royal family onboard ship ’Vanguard’. Various shots as planes are directed in on aircraft carrier. L/S King George VI watching. Various shots King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) lying on their fronts on deck learning how to fire rifles. Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret sit with them. L/S ship in very rough seas. M/S helicopter hovering over the ship. Various shots as the King plays deck tennis whilst the Queen and Princesses watch. Good informal shots of the family. Good shots of the Queen and Princesses leaning against the rail. C/U Queen. Good C/U Princess Margaret with her hair blowing in the wind. M/S as Naval Officer shows a rifle to Princess Elizabeth. M/S of Princess Elizabeth kneeling on deck, she laughs and jumps up to speak to her mother, they both laugh. M/S Princess Elizabeth lying on deck sighting down rifle, good shots. M/S of the Queen and Princesses standing on deck wearing headscar
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