CoD Champ vs Millionaire. Whose brain is better?

Scump was first, now it’s your turn. Sign up for your Kernel Flow experience today: Kernel and Aim Lab are launching a first-of-its-kind experiment to bring neuro measurement to gaming. To better understand what sets a champion’s brain apart from a beginner’s, Kernel will open its doors to the minds of hundreds of gamers in Los Angeles to play Gridshot by Aim Lab, a first-person shooter training exercise, while wearing Kernel’s brain interface Flow. The first two participants were Seth Abner, . “Scump”—a Call of Duty World League champion and two-time MLG X Games gold medalist—and Bryan Johnson, the founder and CEO of Kernel. Kernel and Aim Lab announce this mammoth gaming research experiment with a short film documenting their visit to Scump’s training pad in Texas. This may mark the start of a gaming revolution: one where a player will improve their performance with personalized insights based on both their unique brain activity plus population data. PARTICIPATE i
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