Election Questions - Roswell Church Of Christ

Who are we? We are a group of baptized believers who strive to follow the path to God found in the New Testament. Our mission centers around teaching those seeking to learn God’s word and encouraging one another in spiritual growth. What do we believe? We believe that Jesus was the Christ, the fulfillment of God’s plan to bring salvation to man. We exist as His church and we carry out this great work as we reach toward Heaven. If you are a first-time visitor: We meet together on each first day of the week, Sunday, for the purpose of worshiping God and encouraging one another. At 9:00 am - We have Bible classes for all. A Bible study for adults is held in the auditorium. A young adult Bible study and classes for children, each tailored to their age, are held in classrooms downstairs. At 10:00 am - We gather together to worship God. During the worship assembly, we sing hymns, pray, take the Lord’s Supper, and read Scripture, an opportunity is given for
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