Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin | Full Cover/Improv - Sean Mann

ONLINE GUITAR COURSES - SUPPORT ME ON PATREON - Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin. I know what you’re thinking.. A Les Paul?! But this isn’t just any Les Paul. This is the Time Machine #54 TOM DOYLE 59’ Vintage Aged Les Paul. It has went through the Tom Doyle relic process, which is an authentic and faithful recreation of an oft played late 50’s Les Paul. Tom Doyle was Mr. Les Pauls guitar tech, luthier, co-inventor, soundman, confidant and “fixer“ for 45 years. Tom worked with Les for the majority of Les’ career, gaining valuable insight into what an electric guitar should and could sound like. This Les Paul is fitted with Tom Doyles own Doyle Coils TRU-CLONE PAF Humbuckers. These pickups were the final invention of Les Pauls life, and they are the sound that Les wanted for the guitars that bear his name. They give you the chimey, bell-
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