Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd) Riccardo Bosi of Australia explains in detail what the white hats are.
Riccardo is a former Australian Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel who served in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a long-term adviser to the United Arab Emirates Special Operations Command.
The white hats are a military operation happening right now, go look up military law and what executive orders our CIC (commander in chief) has sighed. The world is under marshall law as of 2017.
The truth is coming out hard and fast now!
The world Is waking up!
Q is not a conspiracy theory, it’s group of highly intelligent military taking down the criminals in power! 17 = Q look for it in the mainstream
:Watch The Fall Of The Cabal 1-23 series on bitchute or rumble or send me a pm on Facebook msg and ill send you the whole series no problem, Im more than happy to help you leanr the truth and come to your own awakening.
:Study Common Law
:Know your Rights.
:Do not consent.
:Get re-educated history is a lie!
They lied to you. All Is being exposed to you now!
The military are in control and are waking up the people of the world to the ALL government corruption and evil corporations controlling the narrative for the world to see! that has been controlling and enslaving humanity through FEAR and coercion for decades awakening the people of world from the MK ultra mind-control (project mockingbird) that has kept people distracted and asleep to the reality of whats happening to the world as we sit back an binge watch netflix! what they had planned for humanity will shock the world!.
Debt is the new modern day slavery! ALL IS BEING EXPOSED, all the criminals are being shown to the world. From dark to light. The rats are jumping ship, the banks are collapsing, the hospitals nd medical industries are being exposed.
This is the actual fall of the cabal.
But know this, your watching a movie, the world Is a stage, they had to show you just how deep and corrupt they are. Most have been executed in miliary tribunals still happening right now.
Its like Q Says “you can’ t tell the people, you must show them.
Check the Q drops for decodes at
All the Information is online. The mainstream wont show you this as they are paid the big bucks to lie and deceive the public creating fear and division.
NCSWIC (nothing can stop what is coming) the storm is upon us!. Storm = harsh truths)
Buckle up! It’s going to be biblical.
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