The World WON’T Believe What China’s Chengdu Built...

The World WON’T Believe What China’s Chengdu Built... Welcome to Chengdu an amazing city from the future. Western media is way too busy pumping out anti-China news. They would never show you this kind of incredible architecture and megastructures that are not only in this amazing city of Chengdu but throughout many of China’s beautiful cities across the country. China’s architects, builders and engineers are shocking the world with these magnificent buildings. Americans won’t believe it until they see it. I was really fortunate to get a glimpse of the facilities that will be used for the FISU games in Chengdu, it was really interesting. 🧧 Become a Patron - 🏆 Subscribe - ☕ Buy us a coffee - 👕 Merch - 📷 Instagram - 📖 Facebook - 🐦 Twitter - 💎Join this channel to get access to perks: 👍 Thanks for watching! See you in the next one! The US is Far Behind China... 世界需要赶上中国的脚步了!🇨🇳 Unseen China - The World WON’T Believe China’s New Infrastructure (America Jealous) - China vs USA - Who Would Win? 2021 Military / Country Comparison 中国VS美国谁会赢? 🇨🇳 🇺🇸 - How FREE are Chinese People? 中国到底有多自由?🇨🇳 Unseen China - #livinginchina #chinavsusa #usavschina #fisu #fisugames #chengdu #chinainfrastructure
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