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Поёт Ана Черникова. Стихи - Григоре Виеру. Ana Cernicova - Orice femeie e frumoasă (Official Video) Music: Eugen Doga Lyrics: Grigore Vieru Directed by: Michelle M .: Veaceslav Cebotari Production Design: Elena Porumbescu Costume Design: Lilia Ixari Make Up: Olga Verdeș Hair Style: Tatiana Codreanu Actors: Amelia Uzun, Ala Cernicova Choreography: Dumitru Neagu Dancers: Irina Kotova, Ilinca Melnic, Vlad Danilov, Igor Leu Gaffer: Sergiu Babară DIT: Ghenadie Volinschi Key Grip: Victor Zburliuc Dolly: Anatol Chicu Equipment: CinemaRent Toate drepturile sunt rezervate. Orice upload neautorizat al... acestui videoclip este ilegal si poate fi raportat oricand la YouTube. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. In order to avoid copyright infringement, please do not upload this video on your channel.
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