Richard III by Numbers: the role of forensic statistics in his identification - Prof Kevin Schürer

Richard III by Numbers: the role of forensic statistics in his identification, a talk by Professor Kevin Schürer (University of Leicester) Abstract The story of how the body of Richard III was discovered in a Leicester Car Park went global in 2013. The discovery and subsequent identification of the skeleton of Richard III beyond any reasonable doubt was the result of multidisciplinary teamwork. What is less well known is that statistical methods used in forensics and many other disciplines were also used by the Leicester-based Richard III Research Team to bring all this evidence together in order to declare that the skeleton found was that of the last Plantagenet King. In this talk Professor Schürer will describe the step by step story of how the team applied forensic statistical methods. These underpinned the incredible multidisciplinary detective work which culminated in the re-burial of England’s missing monarch at Leicester Cathedral in 2014.
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