Rode The Limited

This is song I wrote about a Train Ride on the Sunset limited several years ago, before it crashed in a swamp behind my house just a few months later. I spent almost three days straight riding to NYC, and three days riding back. It really affected me. I saw a lot and a lot ended up in the song... Lyrics Copyright © Wendell G. Sweet 2010 ♪ ♫ ♪ Date Written; 11-26-2010 Song Title: Rode The Limited Style: Alt Verse 1 Rode the limited... Halfway across America... Up through the south-lands and into the frozen north... Day on day... Listening to the sound of the steel rails... Met so many people on that train and some of the faces still remain... Son’s and daughters... Mothers and fathers... A sad young woman riding next to me... Night after night... Stars painted on her fingernails... And she dreamed her dreams... Yes she dreamed her
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