ROV Dive S0480 - Auka Matterhorn / Z Vent Part 2

Join ROV SuBastian from the RV Falkor for the nineteenth dive of the Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Pescadero Basin expedition. This is the tenth dive of the third leg, primarily focused on the biological component. The Auka Vent Field in the South Pescadero Basin was discovered and characterized during expeditions in 2012-2015 with mapping AUV surveys and ROV dives in 2015-2018. The largest southernmost vent edifices in this region are Matterhorn and Z vent, where we explored and sampled earlier on this expedition. This dive has 4 primary objectives: 1) to land ~ 50 W of the Matterhorn to deploy a colonization array (to be picked up in April 2022), 2) travel to Matterhorn to recover a short-term mineral colonization experiment deployed on dive S0470, 3) transit to the Dolomites site to collect push cores and corresponding temperature profiles, and then 4) transit to Z vent to recover a short-term colonization array deployed on dive S0471. If time allows, we will do a temp survey in the sediments aro
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