~【片岡先生】うっせぇわAdo 踊ってみた【オリジナル振付】 - Niconico Video sm38482696

Than you think I have a birthday today! I made this favorite song with the respect of the head family. It’s been a year since we started growing, so this video is a step forward. I’ll do my best this year too! !! !! ■踊/振付 片岡先生 twitter( ) mylist:mylist/61956589 ■音源本家様(Ado様) sm37761910 Adoさんの他の曲もめちゃくちゃかっこいいから全人類聴いてくれ ■撮影 蛍-kei- twitter( ) mylist:mylist/60368399 場所提供・照明→Back Stage様  ■編集 片岡先生 片岡先生 03/25/2021 18:00 Views 1,056
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