Michael Knighton’s hostile bid to follow more protests by Man Utd fans

Michael Knighton’s preparation of a hostile bid to remove the current owners of Manchester United Football Club is moving closer. Here is the latest from the former director who is urging supporters to reject the Glazers Fan Share Scheme because it is a road to nowhere. Here is the latest interview with filmmaker John Gubba including new footage of Sunday’s protest march led by The 1958. #GlazersOut #The1958 #MUNBRI Written report: #ManUtdTheReligion is a channel created by filmmaker #JohnGubba, who has been actively supporting Manchester United since the late 60s. The aim is to keep alive the legacy and history of our football club with video content across our social media network and on broadcast channels around the world. Anyone wishing to make a donation and sponsor our future video content and broadcast documentaries can do so via or to discuss in person please get in touch via the email in the About section.
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