Estas Tonne || Earthkeepers Summit - 2021

Субтитры на русском добавленны! Рядом с настройками СС нажмите на кнопку, выбрав между английской и русской версией субтитров. On this Earth Day, we honour Mother Earth by sharing a sound journey featured at the inspiring Earth Keepers Summit 2021 lovingly organized by Younity. The future of the Earth is in our hands and each one of us plays a crucial role. What are we planting here? What are we doing with the gift received from the Great Mystery, the gift of being alive? Our talents are not for us only. They are to be shared. Selflessly. It is a time to contemplate what each one of us contributes to the whole. To remember what are we doing here. May the language of the music teach us to listen and find answers deep within. Find out more about The Earthkeepers Summit: Join this channel to get access to perks: Visual Storytelling Playlist: Spotify: Apple: Deezer: Recorded and produced by Younity, Germany for The Earthkeepers Summit 2021 Sound: Mix and Mastering: Leon Galperin All this music is intended for personal experience and sharing! if you wish to incorporate it for commercial use please send us an email describing what is it considered for: info@ #estastonne #эстастонне #thesongofthegoldendragon #guitarstorytelling
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