NEWS - Yuan Bo Confirmed Character & MASSIVE Lore Dump - Shadows of Change - Total War Warhammer 3
Some MASSIVE news! Yuan Bo has been confirmed for Shadows of Change, some new units have been hinted at and we have a MASSIVE lore dump on Grandy Cathay written by none other than David Guymer! There is a LOT to discuss so let’s do so in a BIG VIDEO! We hear about a bounch of stuff such as The Changeling, Onyx Crowmen and more!
The book is titled MASTER OF THE METEOR WIND!
NEWS - Yuan Bo Confirmed Character & MASSIVE Lore Dump - Shadows of Change - Total War Warhammer 3
#totalwar #warhammer3 #news #shadowsofchange
00:00 - 01:34 - YUAN BO
01:34 - 09:07 - Yuan Bo Character Building
09:07 - 09:39 - Yuan Bo Art
09:39 - 15:49 - Onyx Crowmen Details
15:49 - 16:15 -Yuan Bo Art
16:15 - 23:51 - Cathay Lore & Minor Characters
23:51 - 24:12 - Cathay Art
24:12 - 31:13 - Yuan Bo & Jingyi Bo
31:13 - 31:41 - Crowmen Art!
31:41 - 46:58 - Yuan Bo Vs The Changling
46:58 - 51:34 - Cathay Lore
51:34 - 52:03 - Yuan Bo Art
52:03 - 56:29 - Other Dragons fear Yuan Bo?
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