Reiki for Abundance Blockages Remover | Clear Financial Problems | Attract Abundance of Money |
Listen to this Abundance Blockages Remover Music .
Clear the blockages of Receiving Money and prosperity.
The Clearing is so IMPORTANT . We need to have some NEW space to Receive MORE Abundance.
The Clearing is including : Emotional And Mental.
Every Single thoughts and feeling is the Energy represent you.
What you are and what you Attract .
So.. I Highly recommend You to listen to it before You listen to Any Kinds of ABUNDANCE / MONEY Music / Energy .
Just Relax your mind and let the Energy flow ,enjoy the rest of the music.
I Already send the Reiki Energy into this music tack.
Just say Yes to receive it .
*You can try to meditation it with Large of money and Green light which Angel is Sending To You. Just Open to Receive it . *
Take the deep breath and feel you are supporting by the universe .
I hope you enjoy our music and reiki energy .
The Best Way to manifest your wealthy is listen to it for 21 days .Both at the morning and before you