Video by Tamara Magometovna

#love #relationships #selfsabotage The # 1 reason you push love away. Fear and worry cause you to self sabotage relationships. Life Coach Lisa A. Romano Codependency Recovery and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Expert. If you can’t handle love, it might be due to some subconscious belief you hold about yourself. There are reasons why your fears are actually pushing love, people, or relationships away from you when instead all you want is to experience real love. Self-sabotage can be linked to how well you were nurtured as a child. If you never learned to believe you were worthy of love, it is hard to imagine you might be worthy of love today. Symptoms of Codependency That Take Over Your Life Stop Begging For Approval All people have anxiety when it comes to finding and maintaining healthy relationships, but some of us push love away for deep-rooted reasons we may not be aware of. Negative beliefs about the self can cause someone to distrust that another person has the ability to love the person who is pushing love away. If you are a woman and you have pushed men away, it is time to wonder whether or not you actually believe you are lovable. And if you are a man who pulls love away just as you begin to get closer to a woman, ask yourself whether or not you believe love is possible for you. All personal development work should include a deep, honest and raw inventory concerning the beliefs we hold about the self, including whether or not we believe we are worthy of the love relationships we seek. In this video, I offer you advice on relationships you can use to help you create a healthy relationship with yourself so you can one day attract the love relationship you desire and deserve. If you would like support as you heal codependency, check out my narcissistic abuse recovery coaching program. I launch this online course twice a year and I moderate it myself. You can take it from anywhere in the world. ✅ Take the Codependency Quiz FREE Codependency Presentation ✅ Codependency On-Demand Presentation ✅ SUBSCRIBE and Stay Up to Date with this Codependency Recovery and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery YouTube Channel The Actors from the hit movie WAVES watched my YouTube videos about codependency to prepare for their movie roles. Guided Healing Meditations, Self Love Programs, Events and More ✅ ✅ Law of Attraction Master Your Reality Online Coaching Program ✅ Loving the Self Video and Meditation Program Available for IMMEDIATE USE YouTube Subscribers receive 50% off ✅ Join My Membership Program (Programs, Journaling Prompts, Live Group Calls, Private FB Community and more) YouTube Subscribers receive 50% Off ☝️ Complete YouTube Codependency Playlist 👂 Tune in to Lisa’s Podcast 👂 iTunes 😀 Listen to My Books for FREE 😀 📚 Codependent Now What 📚 Loving the Self Healing Childhood Programming 📚 Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life 📚 Loving the Self -- Breaking the Subconscious Patterns 📚 The Road Back To Me 🎯 Facebook 🎯 Instagram Lisa A. Romano on Pinterest 🎯 Join my online Facebook Support Group Meditate With Me on Insight Timer Lisa A. Romano is a Life Coach and bestselling author who specializes in helping people reclaim their lives through ascending old thought patterns and healing faulty childhood subconscious programs. She is an expert in the fields of codependency, narcissistic abuse, and elevating consciousness. She is also one of the most popular meditation teachers on Insight Timer and is the creator of the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program. If you feel invisible, unworthy, and lack a sense of self or purpose, Lisa’s work in the field of personal development can help you gain the self-awareness required to breakthrough. @ Thanks for watching #1 Reason Why You Push Love Away: Self Sabotaging Behaviors in Relationships You Can Heal #pushloveaway #personaldevelopmentmotivation #codependencyrecovery
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