Weekly Q&A #24 12/01/21 Todd V Programs Пикап тодд mentoring program

(2:36) In school, I have clear, specific curriculum objectives, but it’s so messy in game. How to organize it better so I know what steps are needed to reach my goals? (10:08) Why do advanced guys simply not physically escalate much of the time? What is the purpose of physical escalation? How do you know how much Physical Escalation is optimal? (15:02) Is the “law of state transference“ (whatever you feel she feels) a real thing in game in your opinion? (23:22) How do you distinguish between a girl just being nice to you vs the girl who is actually attracted to you? (27:37) In an old video (women, infield 1), you said something like “It’s not you, it’s me.“ when pushing her away. Sounds self-deprecating, How can you pull it off? (30:50) What was the purpose of saying “you have a hair in your face“ in some of your videos? Do you say something instead of that now to fulfill the same purpose? (33:47) What game coaching/training did the student in the infield receive/have prior to the recorded sessions? (36:22) In the student infield, you told him to be more on the edge on the open. What examples of ways I can do that while being congruent? I find that it’s a frame that’s a little harder to hold. (40:26) It appears that the student did not use a lot of default/proven lines in his sets (e.g. parts of me loves you/hates you, we will not get along etc.), would you agree? If so, why was this the case? (41:59) About the student infield: if you do another in the future, is it possible you show footage of an advanced guy doing game, with maybe some later-game sticking points (so how he’d deal with unclear or shit logistics, AMOGS or something among those lines) (44:45) In the student infield, in the set where he was sitting with the girl, you said he had absolute value but no relative value, what could he have done or said to smoothly transition into man to woman and increase his relative value? (45:49) Student Q: what advice would you offer that guy, who is clearly low intermediate at best? If he was to get some results, what should he be working on (assuming he is willing and motivated to approach)? (48:07) Will the student infield be an ongoing thing? Something like once a month would be awesome. (50:38) About the student, he usually starts by being more platonic which brings me to my question, should you accept that making it more man to woman Is going to be a little awkward and embrace it? (55:06) What’s the deal with the Free 30 Minute Strategy Session on many of your products? (57:25) When the student was sitting with the girl, the conversation seemed so platonic that introducing a man to woman frame feels like it would interrupt the flow of the conversation, or is there a way to do that smoothly? (1:00:34) Student Q: Following up on Kev’s question, I remember you saying in the forum that following up an indirect opener with a question is a BAD way to go. So, introducing man to woman, even immediately after the open, is a good way to go, correct? (1:03:07) Have you heard of sleight of mouth patterns? NLP reframing techniques that are extremely effective. (1:04:37) There is a lot of filler in my game: “Interesting“, “Cool“, “Really?“. I use these words when I’m unsure of the degree to which the set is hooked, or when she’s just responding normally to me or my questions, in a way where I can’t tease or playoff her answer, at all (at least from what I can figure mid-set). Also when I still feel the need to carry the conversation. Do you have any advice on how to stop using filler like this, which to me seems low value and that it does more harm than good? (1:07:28) Higher quality problem for me. Thanks, Todd, I can now close girls. However, I’m being a nice person for too long. It feels difficult to break up with a girl. I just don’t want to hurt the girl like I was hurt in the past. How should I do it? (1:09:42) I was gaming this girl, if she wasn’t a ’10’ then she was a ’9,5’, with two of her friends. She qualified maybe 2-3 times to me. At one point I tried an abrupt verbal escalation “...after all, at night all kinds of things happen between a {beautiful} woman and cute man“ (referring to the sun setting, getting in the way of her photoshoot). She got uncomfortable and a little tense after that and I couldn’t close with either phone or social media. Also got the “I have a boyfriend“. In my mind, my number one mistake was not escalating a good (great even) set slowly (Invisible Escalation) as I was evaluating and moving the interaction according to . Do you think this conclusion is plausible? (1:11:36) I’ve heard the argument that “verbal game“ puts the girl more in her head and be logical. Nonverbals are more effective for arousal. What’s your opinion of that?
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