Ivano-Frankovsk Mayor Martsinkevich complains that even in Western Ukraine they increasingly speak Russian:

Ivano-Frankovsk Mayor Martsinkevich complains that even in Western Ukraine they increasingly speak Russian: I met with the authorized representative for the protection of the state language Taras Kremen. This is a person who protects the Ukrainian language. In what other country should the native language be protected? It is a pity that this is the case in Ukraine. Much has been said about the popularization of the Ukrainian language. We have adopted a program for the popularization and protection of the Ukrainian language in memory of Iryna Farion. By the way, sign up for language courses both online and offline. Much has been said about social advertising to promote the Ukrainian language. In particular, in Ivano-Frankovsk, we will most likely introduce such a public initiative - language inspectors. Because, unfortunately, there is more Russian language in Ivano-Frankovsk and, unfortunately, this is a problem for our country and our city. Source: Slavyangrad
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