5000 people just shifted to New Earth and most didn’t realize... | Galactic Federation

#newearth #ufoキャッチャー #consciousness #galacticfederation #channeledmessages #galacticupdate #channelinghigherguidance #energytransfer #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofworlds #samtheillusionist In this channeled message, the Galactic Federation share with us information regarding the following: 1. Why 5000 people just shifted to the New Earth? 2. What is the hidden truth about Meta’s VR headset and its real agenda? 3. What is the truth about spherical UFOs? 4. What is the true nature of human consciousness and its hidden abilities? 5. What is sexual energy transfer and how it works? I am also on Patreon, wherein I am putting all my censored channeling sessions and meditations: You can email me on samtheillusionist1@ for your soul identity, soul name and past lives. Get the paperback (book) version of the sessions: How I started channeling, My story: You can read, download for free the transcripts of channeling sessions by clicking here: You can follow my second channel for extra content: You can follow me on Instagram, will follow you back: Note: This video is for the following purpose: educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic content.
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