Everybody Loves Me - Sam Winchester

Do you all understand how much I love this man? AH. PADAPOWER FTW. (and I also love the person who came up with that saying). And just for some perspective, I was a Jensen girl for a long time, but once I went through all the convention footage, I fell in love with this guy. I made this because he barely gets any credit for the awesomeness he bestows. He makes me smile so much it’s ridiculous. Total comedian. I still love Jensen though. He’s a cutie pie. *bops his nose* And, Dear Tasia, ILY. But you suck. :) TO ALL MY JARED GIRLS! :) Edna (EdnaShamrock), Jodie (JooFlash), Maxine (TwilighteningYTC), Chloe (Chloex93), Yassi (Soupshop). Am I missing anyone? Sorry if I did! =/ Song: Everybody Loves Me Artist: OneRepublic I’m kind of becoming minorly obsessed with OR’s music if you haven’t noticed.
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