The Lätzsch Trombone Quartet was born in january 2017 when the fates conspired to bring these four internationally young Lätzsch trombonists (Dirk Ellerkamp, Eva Schiffler, Maxine Troglauer and
Daniel Clemmensen) together at the Lätzsch Company in Bremen, Germany.
The Quartet is the resident Trombone Quartet of the ‘Lätzsch Custom Brass’ and is comprised of these four trombonists.
The quartet’s international synergy of different nationalities has allowed the group to develop a unique musical language with their refreshing different brand of musical interpretation.
A perfect mix of Lätzsch ‘student’ and ‘professional’ artists:
» Dirk Ellerkamp - Germany - Lätzsch Artist
Alto Trombone | Tenor Trombone
» Eva Schiffler - Austria - Lätzsch Student Artist
Alto Trombone | Tenor Trombone
» Daniel Clemmensen - Denmark - Lätzsch Artist
Tenor Trombone | Bass Trombone | Contrabass Trombone | Bass Trumpet
» Maxine Troglauer - Germany - L