WWE 12 Roster Reveal! - Superstars, Divas and Legends!

The List so far: John Cena John Morrison Ted Dibiase Jr Mark Henry Kofi Kingston William Regal R Truth Husky Harris Daniel Bryan Tyson Kidd Santino Marella David Otunga Evan Bourne Sheamus Goldust Cody Rhodes Zack Ryder - Woo Woo Woo! Mason Ryan Triple H, The Game The Miz Stone Cold Steve Austin Double A Arn Anderson Ricky The Dragon Steamboat The Road Warriors Hawk and Animal Vader Diesel - Kevin Nash Booker T Eddie Guerrero Demolition Ax and Smash Edge Eve Natalya Maryse Layla Michelle McCool Beth Pheonix Kelly Kelly The Rock Kane Alex Riley Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo Rodrigus Rey Mysterio Michael McGuillcutty Yoshi Tatsu Jack Swagger Big Show Justin Gabriel Heath Slater Dolph Ziggler Undertaker Christian Drew McIntyre Sin Cara Mr McMahon Ezkiel Jackson CM Punk Randy Orton Chavo Guerrero Vladmir Koslov Jerry Lawler - DLC
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