How To Use a Car Generator With Permanent Magnets For Free Energy Projects

Don’t spend money on expensive generators to use in your windmill or on any hydro electric project to harvest free energy. It can be an old car alternator from your car that’s about to be thrown out. The core of the motor can be modified and permanent magnets can be installed instead to become a permanent magnet generator to harness electrical energy for your house or to store energy in deep cycle batteries for later usage or emergency. Here is one video we made about that subject: we might make another video about the same subject. There’s many different types of alternators but one thing to point out is that the core of a car alternator is in sense a single electromagnet with a north and south polarity. Each polarity has 6 individual arms, in this case, there’s six north arms, and six south arms. After the arms are cut off with a grinding wheel, they need to be replaced with permanent magnets instead. They have to alternate north, south, north, south. This is a tutorial on how to convert a car alternator into a magnetic AC generator to generate AC electricity and power different loads. At low RPM, it can produce 12-24 volts AC, but at higher RPM, it can generate 120-240 volts AC. This is a DIY tutorial on a car alternator.
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