After many years of rescuing and caring for some of the most traumatised animals they’ve ever seen, our sanctuary staff are still amazed by the resilience and bravery of the bears they look after.
After spending 20 years cooped up in a tiny cage in an outside cement room, Sunset was severely traumatised both physically and mentally. Her sight and hearing were lost, likely a result of infections that were never treated, or living in relative darkness and silence.
When she arrived at our Vietnam sanctuary back in February this year, we knew Sunset had a long road ahead of her. Every day our i
...ncredible bear care team sat with her, talked to her, fed her, gave her treats and toys to play with, and gently encouraged her to trust them. They worked with her to show her how to communicate with them, and how to take part in her own care.
This incredibly brave, stoic bear has come so far in such a short space of time. So much so that eventually she was ready to take those momentous first steps outside and onto grass.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has followed Sunset’s journey and helped in any way to get her to this stage.
Please keep following, liking, sharing and commenting on the bears’ stories so more people get to hear them.
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