Quintet op. 143 for Classical Guitar and Strings by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco | Siccas Media

Siccas Media presents Eugenio Della Chiara playing the Quintet op. 143 for Classical Guitar and Strings by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Born in Pesaro, Italy, at the age of nineteen Eugenio Della Chiara graduated with top marks and honors at the Conservatoire of his home town, under the direction of Giuseppe Ficara. Later on, he completed his education in humanities at the Università Cattolica of Milan. Since 2018, he has been a DECCA artist: for the English label, he has recorded “Guitarra Clásica” and “Paganini Live”. His many concerts have allowed him to play in Japan, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Norway and Éire. In Italy, he has performed solo recitals for some of the main musical institutions in the country, including the Rossini Opera Festival, the “Società del Quartetto” of Milano and Bergamo, the Valle d’Itria Festival, the “Orchestra Sinfonica Giuseppe Verdi” of Milano and the “Società dei Concerti” of Parma. He collaborates with actor Alessio Boni, pianist
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