Рассказ на английском о Москве по теме География и достопримечательности (Geography and landmarks)

Данный материал предназначен для использования на языковых курсах, а так же на уроках английского в рамках школьной программы в 5 классe #citystarlightgeography (учебник CITY STARS 5, Module 1. People around the world) Английский язык, English. My Moscow 1. Рассказ о Москве на английском языке по теме География и достопримечательности (Geography and landmarks) Для учеников: • Listen, read and check. Look at the pictures. What landmarks are there in Moscow? Why is it a special place to be? • Listen and read the text and answer the questions. 1. How can you get to Moscow? 2. How old is Vnukovo airport? 3. Where is Saint Basil’s Cathedral? 4. How old is Saint Basil’s Cathedral? 5. What is the Bolshoi Theatre similar to? 6. Which is the most famous show? 7. What else can you do near the Bolshoi Theatre? • Say two reasons why someone should visit Moscow. • Use the Internet to find information about other landmarks in Moscow. Create a poster. ___________________
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