Pink Panther And The Mona Lisa | 35-Minute Compilation | Pink Panther Show

1. “Pink Da Vinci“ - After much thought on the type of mouth the Mona Lisa should have, Leonardo DaVinci decides on a downturned Pink Panther, who happens to be passing the master’s studio, is not pleased. 2. “Pink Outs“ - In this cartoon, the Pink Panther becomes involved in a series of unrelated sight gags, each ending when the screen “Pinks Out.“ 3. “G.I. Pink“ - The Pink Panther is drafted into the Army and happily reports to the induction center with his heart set on becoming a good soldier. Unfortunately, all of the Panther’s efforts to please his officers backfire. 4. “Forty Pink Winks“ - The Pink Panther cannot find a place to sleep. Hesneaks into the lobby of the Ritz-Plaza hotel, where a “Knights ofthe Fez“ convention is in progress. The Panther is ejected by the house detective, but sneaks back inside. 5. “The Scarlet Pinkernel“ - Inspired by his hero, the “Scarlet Pinkernel,“ the Pink
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