Four Types of Writing | Narrative | Expository | Descriptive | Persuasive | Different Styles Genres

Today we discussed four main types of writing: Narrative, expository, descriptive, and persuasive writing. Students were told how authors make use of all of these types in one piece of writing such as a story, and also examples were given of different books that involve one particular type of writing. Also, differences between fiction and nonfiction, novel and novella, cover letter and recommendation letter, prose and poetry were explained to the students. Different genres and literary devices were also discussed such as memoir, autobiography, and imagery. To find out more, watch the complete lecture. #FictionAndNonFiction #RecommendationLetter #CoverLetter #ProseAndPoetry #NovelAndNovella #MemoirAndAutobiography #SensoryDetails #DescriptiveWriting #ExpositoryWriting #NarrativeWriting #PersuasiveWriting
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