Ships and aeroplanes create smoke screens at sea (1929)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ships and airplanes create smoke screens designed to blind the enemy Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Huge Saratoga Pierces Enemy’s Smoke Screen in Majestic Maneuvers UNKNOWN: EXT Air planes and the “Saratoga“ practice military manuevers at sea, including creating smoke screens Video Roll Title: Huge ’saratoga’ pierces ’enemy’ smoke screen in manoeuvres: 154ft SMOKE SCREEN: Huge “Saratoya“ pierces - in manoeuvres Huge “Sara toga“ pieces ??? in Manouvres ship, practice, enemies, war games, war, tactic, tactics, smoker, US Navy, USN, USS Saratoga, aircraft carrier, destroyer, cruiser, task force, Fleet Problem IX, Fleet Problem X Background: Ships and airplanes create smoke screens designed to blind the enemy FILM ID: VLVACTX448S1UGS0JI0D107JIY9YU To license this film, visit
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