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I’ve been wanting to vid this since I opened this channel oof. I made AUs for Bellatrix back then in 2013 but they were very... lame. Anyways enjoy and happy Slytherin pride!
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• Characters:
Pollux Black: Timothy Dalton
Walburga Black: Eva Green
Druella Black: Michelle Pfeiffer
Bellatrix Black/Lestrange: Helena Bonham Carter
Andromeda Black: Keira Knightley
Narcissa Black: Helen McCrory/Rosamund Pike
Sirius Black: Ben Barnes/Gary Oldman
Regulus Black: Timothee Chalamet
Orion Black (Colin Firth)
Marlene McKinnon: Victoria Pedretti
Irma Crabbe: Anna Chancellor
• Movie: Harry Potter - Alternative Universe
• Coloring: julamisak ( color correction)