S4E17 | “Jaymee Jay - ‘Michelle Remembers’ & So Should You: The Second Rise of the ‘Satanic Panic’”

Today I’m honored to introduce to you: survivor and child abuse advocate, podcaster, woman of God, independent researcher, investigative and educator, and hero: Jaymee Jay! Jaymee is someone I’m really excited for you all to meet. Although Jaymee’s upbringing wasn’t without it’s dysfunction, Jaymee has always been an incredibly intelligent and empathetic person who has excelled in many endeavors she has taken on in life. She could literally be doing anything else with her time, energy and voice, and instead - she chooses to volunteer her time researching and educating on topics such as SRA and DID as well as being a survivor advocate. I can’t tell you how much I admire Jaymee for stepping into a fight she could have simply studied from the sidelines and never spoken publicly about. I consider her to be a hero for braving speaking out as a survivor ally knowing it puts a target on her back and despite it being something she hasn’t made a single penny for. She is one of my heroes for her bravery and
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