Since the last video, Komp has added a structure to fill in an empty void at the 39% cube, and messed with the small cube at 73% a little. Yet another dumb fluke on this level. I really thought this was going to suck, but to my surprise I fluked the entirety of the ending and didn’t die to the 80% jump once. I haven’t got much to say, but I am now very conflicted on how this level could treat me from 0%. I now know that I could get completely destroyed with the ending and 80% jump, or I could just fluke it all with little to no effort. Speaking of playing from 0%. I played from 0% a little bit after doing this run out of curiosity, and I ended up getting a 54% run almost immediately on top of multiple other 48% ship deaths. Considering my only death past 54% is 80% at the moment, that’s amazing consistency to have. I haven’t played from 0% ever since I got that 80% fail either, so it’s been weeks and yet I’m playing the best I’ve ever played. Gotta say that doing these runs was worth it. 34123 attempts at t
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