#Share „Matrilineal“/ Rachael Mauney
“Matrilineal“ is a process which looks at domestic violence through a queer lens.
“As they become known to, and accepted by us, our feelings and the honest exploration of them become sanctuaries and spawning grounds for the most radical and daring of ideas. They become a safe-house for that difference so necessary for change and the conceptualization of any meaningful action. Right now, I could name at least ten ideas I would have found intolerable or incomprehensible and frightening, except as they came after dreams and poems.“- Audre Lorde
This last research period for “Matrilineal“ through the #share residency, focused on bringing the topic of domestic violence into sociopolitical relevance. I am always questioning if, and how, a performance work can instigate real action. As this process comes to a close, and the work focuses on the dialogue with the community, I continue to believe that it is through the vulnerability and emotional honesty with which we convey our own experiences, that inspires action. Such poetry allows fear to become tolerable, and action to become tangible.
The work premieres Jan. 21st at Acker Stadt Palast.
In unserem experimentellen Format #share teilen Künstler*innen online ihren Arbeitsprozess im Acker Stadt Palast und laden Publikum und Mediennutzer*innen ein, als Co-Regisseur*innen bzw. Dramaturg*innen zu agieren.
In our experimental format #share, artists share their work process online in the Acker Stadt Palast and invite the public and media users to act as co-directors or dramaturges.
Gefördert durch Neustart - Bundesverband Soziokultur - Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
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