Mini Recital : Six Keyboard Suites by Johann Pachelbel, and Chaconne in F by Nicolas Lebègue

Sounds best at 1080p. ============================================================ “Le petit Récital - Johann Pachelbel“ I. Suite in B-flat major, [01] 00:05 Allemande [02] 03:00 Courante [03] 04:50 Bourrée [04] 05:48 Sarabande [05] 07:23 Gigue II. Suite in c minor(fragment?), [06] 09:11 Allemande [07] 11:26 Courante III. Suite in C major, [08] 12:53 Allemande [09] 14:51 Courante [10] 16:24 Gavotte [11] 17:16 Sarabande [12] 19:27 Gigue IV. Suite in e minor, [13] 22:02 Allemande [14] 23:46 Courante [15] 25:19 Gavotte [16] 26:07 Sarabande I [17] 27:31 Sarabande II [18] 29:05 Gigue V. Suite in d minor, [19] ??:?? Allemande (Recording Lost) [20] 30:31 Courante [21] 32:25 Sarabande [22] 34:33 Gigue VI. Suite in F major, [23] 36:47 Allemande [24] 39:38 Courante [25] 41:47 Sarabande VII. Encore [26
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