Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is November 3, 1982, and this is my AUDIO LETTER #80.

For years now a familiar slogan has been used in the advertisements for a popular pain reliever. The slogan was so effective that it helped build annual sales of nearly half a billion dollars. The pain reliever became #1 in America with 37% of the market, and yet for weeks now this famous slogan has been heard no more. The slogan was: “Trust Tylenol. Hospitals do.“ Literally over night, just a month ago, Americans by the millions stopped trusting Tylenol. A number of people in Chicago had suddenly died after taking Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules. By October 1, six were dead and a number of others gravely ill. A few days later the death toll rose to seven. The Tylenol capsules which they had taken had been contaminated with one of the deadliest of all poisons, cyanide. Instantly headlines about the Tylenol massacre pushed all other news stories into the background here in the United States. A nation-wide alert went out for people to stop taking Tylenol capsules until further notice. Everyone was told to look for two suspect batches of Tylenol, identifiable by their serial numbers. The booming Tylenol capsule production line was shut down. The manufacturer launched a Tylenol capsule recall program. Many Tylenol products were withdrawn from drug store shelves, and those that remained were shunned by frightened customers. My three special topics for this AUDIO LETTER are: Topic #1--AMERICA’S ECONOMIC DECLINE INTO A NEW DARK AGES Topic #2--WAR COUNTDOWN TOWARD THE ISRAELI YEAR OF DOOM Topic #3--CHANGING OF THE GUARD IN THE NEW KREMLIN.
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