🌿Plant Music 24/7 in Biotope will moisturize your negative🙏thinking and anxiety. Fuctuating melody.

Plant Music with birds singing and water sound make you very peaceful mood. MIDI Sprout (PlantWave) detects slight electrical variations in a plant via two electrodes placed on the converts the electrical signal into a melody. The melody also includes a 1 / f fluctuation sound inherent in nature, which is said to be useful for healing the mind and body. Listening to the continuous flow of melodies will guide you to a new phase into the unknown secret life of the plants. Shin Sawano’s World Channel: #plantwave #plantmusic #528Hz #yogamusic #relaxationmusic #432Hz #meditationmusic #soothingmusic Shin Sawano’s World Channel: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Video / Sound Editing: Shinichiro Sawano: Plant Music Sound deivice () Live Stream: Powered by
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