Machine Elf #36 - Open Heart | Trey Ratcliff w/music from Monolink

I remember laying out in the desert of Burning Man on my back in the middle of the afternoon, looking at the sun and blue sky. I was thinking about 1,000 different things and not thinking of them at the same time. Yes, I might have been on acid, but that’s beside the point. Well, not really, because, soon enough, I heard this song “Burning Sun“ by Monolink playing about half a mile away from an art car... the sounds vibrated out the desert where I was hearing them... I remember what I saw and I’ve tried to recreate it here. To learn more about Trey and Sam: Made in the Mountains of Queenstown, New Zealand. Discover Serenity through Enchanting Visual Journeys with Machine Elf Fractal Meditations: =========================================== Embark on a transformative voyage of mindfulness and tranquility with our mesmerizing collection of Machine Elf Generative Fractal Visual Meditations. Lose
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