More Salmon This Way (1963)

Item title reads - More salmon this way. Vancouver, Canada. M/S fishing boats at Fisherman’s Wharf, Victoria, British Columbia. M/S log boom at the mouth of the Big Qualicum River. L/S debris at mouth of Hunts Creek. M/S’s men clearing debris. M/S as log floats down the river and the man has to jump out of the way. M/S of the men clearing the debris. M/S Hunts Creek flowing into forest. M/S fish counting weir. M/S biologist opening gate in the counting weir to let salmon through to spawning grounds. C/U’s man opening another gate. M/S salmon waiting to go up into the spawning grounds. M/S’s salmon coming through the open gate. C/U biologists counting the fish. C/U counter. C/U as one fish tries to get through the gate but isn’t quite strong enough, it tries again and gets through. L/S of the biologist netting a salmon. C/U of biologist picking the large tagged salmon, M/S as he throws it back into the river. C/U salmon coming through the gate. M/S mist covering Horne Lake. M/S partly constructed
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